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January 4, 2017

Managing your anxiety about going to the dentist

Managing your anxiety about going to the dentist:

Communication helps calm anxiety:

Studies have shown in order to overcome dental anxiety is to communicate with your dentist or dental hygienist.

It is common and natural for people to feel anxious when visiting a physician or dentist.

If personal anxiety is preventing you to go for your annual checkup with the doctor or to visit a dentist when in pain this becomes a problem. Doctors and dentists have been trained to work with anxious patients; therefore do not fear your visit.


Reducing your anxiety level:

Here are some additional ways to curb your anxiety:

  • Share your fears with the dentist / hygienist or dental assistant. Expressing your concerns will let your dentist adapt the treatment to your needs.
  • Focus on breathing normal and slowly because when you’re nervous you most likely are holding your breath.
  • If sound bothers you, bring your headphones or ask the office if they have any to provide you with.
  • Avoid caffeine before a dental appointment.
  • Eat high protein foods rather than surgery foods.
  • Make your appointments at a time that is best for you and your not being rushed or under pressure. (Early morning appointments are always best)
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Other reducing factors:

  • Meditation before appointments
  • Herbal remedies such as passionflower extract, Valerian, and Chamomile (please talk to your health care professional before purchasing)
  • Medication recommended by your doctor


Visit our Dentist in Irvine, Ca for more information regarding your dental care. Our Irvine Dentist staff is friendly, and ready to help you with any dental care needs.

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