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September 29, 2016

Proper Brushing Technique 101

Kids FlossingI’m sure at some point you have heard your dentist tell you how to properly brush your teeth. We thought we’d give you the complete guideline of the do’s and dont’s to proper brushing techniques.

First order of business, you want to get a soft to medium tooth brush. Nimbus makes a great line of tooth brushes that we actually provide to you as a sample. Go here to view a selection of Nimbus toothbrushes on Amazon.

Second, you want to make sure you brush your teeth gently to avoid any gum recession. A gentle scrub with small horizontal movements will help remove the plaque and keep your teeth in good health. A lot of people want to get the brushing over with so they feel the urge to scrub fast and hard. This is definitely not a good solution. Take a breath and slow the stroke 🙂

Here is a list of brushing tips you should keep in mind when brushing:

  1. Gentle scrubbing technique
  2. Soft bristle toothbrush (Nimbus)
  3. Hold toothbrush like a pen to avoid excess pressure
  4. Spit out fluoride toothpaste and do not rinse after you have completed brushing your teeth.
  5. Recommended to brush twice a day (Morning and before bed).

Recommended Flossing Techniques:

  1. Break off approximately 18 inches of floss from the container.
  2. Tie around one finger on each hand
  3. Use your thumb to generate movement for those hard to reach places
  4. Keep floss against the tooth and away from the gums while moving the floss up and down.
  5. If the floss gets frayed, then just unwind some of the floss wrapped around your finger and use an unused area.
  6. Below is a picture of other floss products you may use.

Floss Sand Canyon Dental Floss 2 Sand Canyon Dental



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